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What is an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)?

来源:线缆CPR认证服务平台  浏览:598次  发布于:2023-6-1
√ Environmental Product Declaration (EPD):

An EPD is a document that quantifiably demonstrates the environmental impacts of a product. They are a Type III environmental label.

An EPD is generated based on data obtained through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). An LCA is performed using a peer-reviewed Product Category Rules document (PCR) in line with EN 15804 (the European Standard for the generation of EPD for construction products), ISO 14025, and other related international standards.

They can be used as marketing material, and for the improvement of product manufacture, or process efficiency. They can also feed into whole building assessment schemes, other comparative tools, and building information modeling (BIM) CAD software to make comparisons and assess design options that improve a building’s environmental performance.

√ How EPD benefit you:

·Provide quantified data on your products environmental impacts (Embodied Carbon, Ozone, Acidification etc)
·Exceed customer demands & specifications from increased transparency of your products impacts
·Boost reputation through internationally recognised standards
·Enable whole life cycle management
·Support innovative product development (improve energy, transport costs and materials efficiency)
·Get recognised by building assessment schemes, such as BREEAM, LEED, DGNB and Green Star.

√ What are the different types of EPD?

The types of EPD include:
·Average product Or Manufacturer-specific product
·Product range Or Product-specific
·Declared unit Or Functional unit
·Business to business Or Business to consumer

√ Enquire about our EPD (EN 15084) Environmental Product Declarations

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Website: www.fire-test.com    www.firete.com 
Mail: info@fire-test.com 
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