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FIRAS/FIRAS Certification Mark

来源:线缆CPR认证服务平台  浏览:581次  发布于:2023-10-11
Nanjing SMART Company collaborates with UKAS qualified laboratories in the UK to provide building materials with the UK FIRAS Certification Mark. The process of FIRAS certification in the UK is complex, and Nanjing SMART will assist you in better applying for FIRAS certification. Engineer consultation hotline: +86 25-86583475.

◆ FIRAS Installer certification scheme

Warringtonfire operates UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) accredited certification schemes for both products and for companies involved in their installation. 

The FIRAS scheme promotes good practice for the installation and maintenance of passive fire protection products and requires the use of quality assurance methods in procedures, competence, and documentation to ensure that appropriate quality control is being carried out and documented by the certified company.
◆ What is the FIRAS Installer certification scheme

FIRAS is a voluntary, third party certification scheme for installation contractors of both passive and active fire protection systems, operated by Warringtonfire and accredited by UKAS to BS EN ISO/IEC 17065:2012.

The FIRAS scheme was established in 1994 and continues to date to be the leading certification body for companies installing passive and active fire protection systems.  The FIRAS Rules and Regulations are now in their 18th edition and are continuously improved, made more robust and adaptable to industry and regulatory changes over time.

◆ What the FIRAS scheme offers

The FIRAS scheme for installer certification compliments Warringtonfire schemes for product certification; together they endeavour to provide systems giving confidence to specifiers, contractors, enforcement authorities, regulators and end users that by using third party certified products together with installers it will provide the added assurance needed to achieve the required level of fire performance in practice.

Our auditors are selected for their experience in the industry, knowledge of fire protection and their ability to work constructively alongside our clients in an endeavour to confirm that our clients continue to meet our requirements and that products/systems which they install are able to achieve the required level of fire performance.   Although a company is allocated to a specific inspector based in part on the logistics of their location, for impartiality purposes all companies receive audits by other FIRAS inspectors.

◆The modules for which FIRAS offers certification

Fire rated reactive coatings to structural steelwork (Intumescent Paint)
Fire rated sprayed cement or gypsum type coatings to structural steelwork (Sprays)
Fire rated board encasement to structural steelwork (Boards)
Fire rated penetration seals/fire-stopping and linear gap sealing (Penetration Sealing)
Fire rated cavity barriers (Cavity Barriers)
Fire resisting partition systems (Partition systems – Dry Lined)
Fire resisting partition systems (Partition systems – Steel Faced)
Fire resisting partition systems (Partition systems – Composite)
Fire resisting timber doors/doorsets (Timber Doors)
Fire resisting metallic doors/doorsets (Steel Doors)
Fire resisting composite doors/doorsets (Composite Doors)
Fire resisting metallic doors/doorsets (Aluminium Doors) Certifire certificated systems only
Fire resisting roller shutter doors/doorsets (Roller Shutters)
Fire resisting ducting systems and ancillary items as part of that system (Ducting)
Fire resisting glazing screen systems (Glazing Systems)
Fire door maintenance to maintain a doorset to the relevant fire test evidence to BS 476 Pt 22 or BS EN 1634 (Fire Door Maintenance)
◆ The Certification Proces

FIRAS Certification can only be held by a company and not an individual installer. The company must demonstrate that their ability to work strictly within the FIRAS scheme requirements, with good product knowledge and an understanding of regulations plus the overriding importance of the correct installation of life safety systems being installed correctly.

FIRAS initially assesses the company by auditing its office-based activities and is followed by a sample inspection of a site/project where fire protection is being installed.

◆Are you ready to apply for FIRAS certification?
Q1 Have you installed four contracts that included fire rated products? Yes/No
Q2 Were these contracts on a supply and fit basis? Yes/No
Q3 Does the company have a written Sub-Contract agreement with Sub-Contract employees? Yes/No
Q4 Did these four installations take place within last 6 months? Yes/No
Q5 Have you been trading for a minimum of 6 months? Yes/No

If you answered yes to all the above questions then you are eligible to apply for FIRAS certification.

Tel: (+86) 25 86583475     (+86) 400 6036575
Web: www.fire-test.com     www.firete.com 
Email: info@fire-test.com
WeChat: firetesting  or 17714189018

