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CE for Construction


From:CABLE CPR CERTIFICATION  Clicks:653  Time:2023-9-20
◆ BS EN 12051:2000 Door and window bolts
This standard details performance requirements and test methods in relation to use (abuse), durability, fire resistance, safety in use, corrosion resistance, and security, with information on classification and marking.

◆ EN 12051 SCOPE
The standard covers single point bolts and associated keeps, used to secure, or increase the security of doors and windows in buildings providing that movement of the shoot is by direct hand or foot operation. It includes bolts operated by lever, knob, slide, pull, etc. or by a removable device, though not a multiple differ key, from the protected side of the leaf only. Spring engaging bolts and bolts with locking facility are included if they are, by definition, bolts.

◆ Types of bolt covered by the standard include:
Barrel bolts, tower bolts Foot bolts, drop bolts, square spring bolts, garage door bolts
Flush bolts (slide, knob, lever or automatic action) Padlock bolts
Privacy bolts
Mortice bolts (operated by removable device, knob, lever, etc.)
The standard does not include cremone/espagnolette type bolts or bolts used for emergency exit or panic devices.

1) All European countries will use the same product standard.
2) Products complying with the new European standard provide peace of mind and evidence of professional specification.
3) Product selection should be made on the basis of the building use, occupancy and particular application.

BS EN 12051 classifies door and window bolts by using a 7-digit coding system. A similar classification system applies to all building hardware product standards so that complementary items of hardware can be specified to, for instance, a common level of corrosion resistance, category of use, etc. Each digit refers to a particular feature of the product measured against the standard’s performance requirements.

√Digit 1 – Category of use
Four grades are specified for category of use:
– grade 1: low frequency of use by those with a high incentive to exercise care.
– grade 2: medium frequency of use, primarily by those with some incentive to exercise care
– grade 3: high frequency of use by the public and others with little incentive to exercise care.
– grade 4: subject to frequent violent usage

√Digit 2 – Durability (no. of test cycles)
Four grades are specified as follows:
– grade 1: 2 500 cycles
– grade 2: 5 000 cycles
– grade 3: 10 000 cycles
– grade 4: 50 000 cycles

√Digit 3 – Door mass
No requirement

√Digit 4 – Fire resistance
Two grades are identified:
– grade 0: not suitable for fire/smoke resistant door assemblies
– grade 1: suitable for fire/smoke resistant door assemblies subject to satisfactory assessment of the contribution of the single axis hinge to the fire resistance of the specified fire/smoke door assemblies. Such assessment is beyond the scope of this European standard (see EN 1634-1).

√Digit 5 – Safety in Use
Two grades are identified:
– grade 0: no requirement
– grade 1: products shall be capable of operating with a side load of 250 N on the bolt, and also after a side load of 1000 N has been applied.

√Digit 6 – Corrosion resistance
Five grades of corrosion resistance are identified
according to BS EN 1670.
– grade 0: no defined corrosion resistance
– grade 1: mild resistance (normally dry interiors)
– grade 2: moderate resistance (interiors subject to condensation)
– grade 3: high resistance (damp interior/exterior)
– grade 4: very high resistance (polluted exterior – industrial/coastal)

√Digit 7 – Security
Five grades of security are identified with figures for end load on shoot, resulting projection, resistance to sawing, and side load on shoot.

◆ CE marking
BS EN 12051:2000 has not been designated as a harmonised product standard under the Construction Products Directive, and therefore CE Marking of such door & window bolts is NOT permitted.

DOOR FURNITURE – BS EN 1906:2012 https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/6375065.html
BS EN 1154 & BS EN 1155 https://www.fire-test.com/newsinfo/6363232.html

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