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EN50575:2014+A1:2016 Cable CE Certification standard under the EU CPR Regulation

From:CABLE CPR CERTIFICATION  Clicks:3040  Time:2017-5-22

1. EN50575 Cable CPR Certification--introduction

CPR regulations will be divided into 35 types of building products product area, basic performance for building products made of mechanical resistance and stability, fire safety, sanitation, health and environmental protection, safety, noise, energy saving and heat preservation, sustainable use of natural resources such as seven points to. Among them, the power supply, the controller and the building wire and cable are thirty-first kinds of products, the CPR code provides the classification of the cable fire performance, the relevant test methods, classification standards and additional classification options. From June 2017 to enter the territory of the European Union all wire and cable products are required by the performance of the CE certification, plus CE certification mark requirements. EU CPR regulations under the cable CE certification standards for EN50575:2014+A1:2016. Tel: +86 25-8658 3475.

The EU CPR regulations under the cable CE certification, the EU body (Notified) in accordance with the system 1+ or system 3 for testing and certification. Nanjing SMART for the EU Notified body laboratories authorized institutions in the country, the direct authorization of the EN50575 cable CPR certification work. Tel: +86 25-8658 3475.

2. EN50575 Cable CPR Certification–Standard

EN50575:2014+A1:2016 Power, control and communication cables. Cables for general applications in construction works subject to reaction to fire requirements. EN50575:2014+A1:2016 has replaced EN 50575:2014.

3. EN50575 Cable CPR Certification–Scope

EN50575 standard apply to all Power cables, Control cables and Communication cables, including Optical fibre cables, Hybrid cables which are a combination of two or more of these cables types.

4. EN50575 Cable CPR Certification–Fire Classification
EN13501-6 standard according to the cable heat release amount, the length of the destruction of fire and so on the flame of the cable is divided into seven levels: EN13501-6 Aca, B1ca, B2ca, Cca, Dca, Eca, Fca these seven levels.

5. EN50575 Cable CPR Certification–main test standard & test item
EN ISO 1716: Heat of combustion test
EN 60332-1-2: Vertical flame spread of single cable
EN 50399: Buring behaviour and smoke production of bunched cable
EN 61034-2: Smoke production of burning cable
EN 50267-2-3: Acidity of gases producted by burning cables

6. EN50575 Cable CPR Certification–reference standard

EN 13501-6 Fire classification of construction products and building elements-Part 6: Classification using data from reaction to fire tests on electric cables.

EN50399 Common test methods for cables under fire conditions-Heat release and smoke production measurement on cables during flame spread test-Test apparatus, procedures, results

EN60332-1-2 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions-Part 1-2: Test for vertical flame propagation for a single insulated wire or cable-Procedure for 1KW pre-mixed flame (IEC 60332-1-2)

EN60754-2 Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables-Part 2: Determination of acidity (by PH measurement) and conductivity (IEC 60754-2)

EN 61034-2 Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions -Part 2: Test procedure and requirements (IEC 61034-2)

EN ISO 1716 Reaction to fire tests for products-Determination of the gross heat of combustion (calorific value) (ISO 1716)

7. Recommended Reading
EN50575 cable CPR certification http://www.firete.com/news/zhengce/10180.html
Cable CPR Certification http://www.cprce.com

Cable CPR Certification, please contact:  +86 25-8658 3475   +86 400-603-6575
Website: www.fire-test.com   www.cprce.com
Email: info@fire-test.com

+86 25 8658 3475