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EN ISO1716 the gross heat of combustion (calorific value)

From:CABLE CPR CERTIFICATION  Clicks:2797  Time:2017-5-22

EN ISO1716 the gross heat of combustion (calorific value) /EN50575
EN ISO1716 was used to evaluate the fire resistance of materials by measuring the burning heat value of materials. Cable CPR certification EN50575 standard reference EN ISO1716 standard for the test of the combustion heat value of the cable to assess the level of wire and cable Aca. Nanjing Smart company for the EU Notified Body authorized cooperation agencies in the country. Tel: +86 25-8658 3475.

EN ISO1716 / EN50575 calorific value testing-Standard name
EN ISO 1716 Reaction to fire tests for products-Determination of the gross heat of combustion (calorific value) (ISO 1716)

EN ISO1716 / EN50575 calorific value testing-Aca Classification requirement
The EN ISO1716 test determines the potential maximum total heat release of a product when completely burning, regardless of its end use. The EN ISO1716 test is relevant for the Class Aca. It allows the determination of both the gross heat of combustion (PCS) and the net heat of combustion (PCI).

EN13501-6 Class Aca
A product applying for class Aca shall be tested in accordance with EN ISO1716. Aca Classification requirement: PCS≤2.0MJ/kg

EN13501-6 standard according to the cable heat release amount, the length of the destruction of fire and so on the flame of the cable is divided into seven levels: EN13501-6 Aca, B1ca, B2ca, Cca, Dca, Eca, Fca these seven levels.

Recommended Reading
EN 13501-6:2014   http://www.fire-test.com/newscenter/news/6702.html 
Cable CPR Certification  http://www.cprce.com    

Cable CPR Certification, please contact +86 25-8658 3475   +86 400-603-6575
Website: www.fire-test.com   www.cprce.com
Email: info@fire-test.com

+86 25 8658 3475